Morning Run - Fartlek


I just finished a 6.347km running that lasted about 0hh:34mm:14ss !


Not too bad a morning today with just some puddles to negotiate in the half-light. I was out by about 7:30 after having to reboot my phone to get the Bluetooth working with my headphones. It was another fartlek run as I am finding that convenient on these pre-work runs. I aim to be out for about half an hour.

I managed one personal segment record, but it is a stretch I do not generally aim to run fast. I just happened to do a couple of sprints there today. The average pace was slightly quicker than last time and I am taking that as a sign of progress. I am not going for specific slow or fast pace, so it is whatever I manage on the day.

It was fairly quiet out there with just a few kids on their way to school. Maybe some of them have to be in early. Plenty of cars around as people go to work. I am working from home and so hardly drive at all. I just have to eat and shower after my run and wander into the study to log on.

Have a great day. Run free and stay well.
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I am a little surprised that the kids there are still going to school. Especially with the strict lockdowns that you have been having. We are remote for the rest of the year into January now. It could extend even longer.


The government has decided that kids needed to get back to school. They have various measures in place, but kids are going to mix and viruses will get spread around. My other half is working at a big school, so there is risk there. I feel for the kids as a big part of their childhood is being restricted. That will apply to Christmas too. We are scaling down our family events.


*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

Enjoy a !BEER in the meantime...

*Resteemed by @runningproject


@steevc I come to greet you, I wanted to express two things, the first is that I admire a lot that you do sports regularly, nowadays many people find it difficult to acquire and implement this healthy habit, so I am quite happy that you are an example for the community .
The second thing is that I would like your opinion and advice to achieve success on the platform like you. A big hug and merry Christmas to you and yours.


Hi. I'm just an old guy trying to stay healthy. I have found that running works for me and has the advantages of being fairly cheap and convenient.

Success on any social platform is largely down to making connections. I think you have to be sincere in this rather than just trying to get as many followers as possible. I do not follow too many people as it just makes my feed too busy. I have always commented a lot on posts that interest me. It has to be fun for me. Pursue your interests rather than just the money. Find people with similar interests. Build community and the money will come in time.


You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)
