RE: Your Brains Programming Language Is Repetition


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I like how u listed financially successful after mind, body, and soul.. Mad respect! For me the Goat are the ones that realise that their intent to always be accessible to greatness and act as instruments that let inspiration exchange between them and the observer is the focus.. The sacrifices ultimately come from doing whatever it takes personally to stay fit or in tune.. Ideally this pursuit won't hurt others but it often does, even if unintentionally.. Job 1 is honing the craft, wives, kids, friends etc. often get the leftover energy.. That's lonely for an artist, athlete, or scholar, and unfair to those close to them, but at times there is no other way around this reality..


I believe if you don't get your mind, body and soul ready or fit by the time you go for and achieve your financial success, it's going to mean very little to you. You won't know how to enjoy it.

That's a good point, somethings growth does mean going it alone, not everyone is lucky to have family or a partner willing to do the work to grow in all aspects of human, they just want to Netflix lol. It can also be scary because you as you grow you may outgrow people in your life and have to let them go
