RE: Weight for me


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Hello dear friend @galenkp Good afternoon

Knowledge is the key to everything, and without a doubt each element of a rible fulfills a very important function and they are related to other pieces that make a shot a success.

The whole topic of conversation that the trigger of a weapon offers is incredible, I would never have imagined it. Above all, it allows you to improve in quality by changing for one of better performance.

Never before have you heard someone mention "Shooting Weight Trigger" and how important it is in safety, and avoiding unintentional shooting.

You really are a true pro, you have measured how much trigger pressure (2.2 lbs) should be to achieve the shot you want.

I feel admiration when you talk about this topic, you provide us with many details that we would never have imagined existed. I appreciate all this information

I wish you an excellent night and a happy rest


Hi there, the thing with shooting is that one needs to bring so many elements together at the same time to do it well. If one element is left out or not done well then the shot could be ruined. When taking life, hunting and culling for instance, it needs to be done cleanly and humanely, and so I out this mu h effort into it.

Besides, I have a a desire to continually improve myself and what I do and so I need to be learning and developing to meet that need.


It is true and very reasonable what you say, you have in your hands the power to take an animal life, and the better and more accurate the shot, the suffering will not exist. Very understandable.
In addition, the demand and perfection in what you do is perceived. Excellent
Thank you very much for this explanation.

I wish you a happy rest
